How to uncover the real you with neurodiverse coaching

Mental health issues are varied in type and extremity – everyone’s experience is unique.
If we start being honest about our pain, our anger, and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we’ll leave the world a better place than we found it.” – Russell Wilson 

It’s easy to imagine that widespread mental health issues are a relatively modern occurrence – linked to excessive time on social media and screens perhaps –  but mental health month was actually established in the US back in 1949! And, for many years now, it is marked during the month of May worldwide. This important initiative encourages people to open up about how they’re feeling and to lift the stigma that surrounds talking about mental health. And, of course, mental health issues are varied in type and extremity – everyone’s experience is unique. Which is why it is so important to find someone who can help you navigate your neurodiversity.

Why neurodiverse coaching matters

As a neurodiverse coach I help people discover their strengths and lean into them. I’m adamant that experiencing mental health issues should not be seen as a weakness in any way. It’s hard to fit into a neurotypical world and try to mask our differences in order to be accepted. Moreover I can also help with hacks to mitigate any perceived weakness that may be part of the neurodiverse experience.  I support you to make the most out of yourself. 

As a neurodiverse coach I aim to help people discover their strengths and lean into them

How Ikigai can bring out the best in you

What makes me unique as a certified coach is my knowledge of the Japanese concept of Ikigai. This is all about identifying your reason to get up in the morning (and doesn’t need to relate to work!). In other words, it’s about slowing down and letting go of the Western concept of doing everything at high speed. Stopping to smell the roses.

A fundamental part of this process is discovering what our values are – and learning to live by them:

• Find your community and play a role in it.
• Give back to those less fortunate.
• Be grateful for all you do have.
• Spending time with people who inspire you is also crucial.

These are all steps on the way to figuring out what gives your life meaning. 

And as your coach I can help you dig deep into these areas, guiding you to pinpoint your personal passions and giving your life a real sense of purpose. My aim is to help you find your Ibasho – your place where you can feel like you – so you no longer have to mask or cover your true self.

 This May make mental health YOUR priority and uncover the real you!

What does the concept of ikigai really mean and why it’s so crucial in inclusion and ADHD coaching
The complexity of ikigai reflects the complexities of life itself